
High Trees have been using the Community Organising approach since 2011.

Between then and now we have developed our organising knowledge and skills, building a strong track record of success and establishing ourselves as recognised experts in the field. Our series of one-day training courses, delivered by our skilled and experienced Community Action team, cover all the essential information required to practice the approach.

The courses we run include:

  • Introduction to Community Organising: Covers the foundational theory, including what community organising is and what it isn’t.
  • Listening Skills for Community Organising: Teaches the essentials for designing and developing a listening campaign.
  • Building Power Through Community Organising: Explores the nuts and bolts of analysing and understanding power in the context of community organising.
  • Action for Change Through Community Organising: Provides the tools needed to move from listening to action.

Our team uses much of the content covered in these sessions directly in their practice and can not only give you the theory but also offer insights on applying the approach in a broad range of settings.

If you are interested in community organising training for your organisation, please get in touch with our team using the form below.