Community Action

The Community Action team supports residents from Tulse Hill and neighbouring areas to build more active, represented and civically engaged communities.

We do this by working with residents and people accessing both our services and those of our partners, to provide mentoring, practical support, and training in Community Organising. We also deliver a wide range of bespoke Community Action projects across Lambeth, guided by the principles of Community Organising—making us one of the few organisations to do so. Through this support, we help local people listen, organise, and take collective action on the issues that are important to them. In the past seven years, we’ve trained almost 400 individuals through our Community Organising programs. Our team collaborates with local partners and within High Trees’ various departments to help those we work with to build collective power, ensuring the voices of those we support remain at the heart of everything we do.

Our Community Action work

Neighbourhood Community Organising

The Community Action team uses the approach of Community Organising to support residents to unite and address the issues that matter to them. Community Organising involves reaching out, going to where people are, listening, connecting, and supporting people to come together around their collective concerns to address social injustice. 


Our Community Organising training courses are designed for both individuals and organisations, providing all the foundational knowledge needed to implement this approach in your community or through your work.

Social action

We support members of the local community to come together on issues that matter to them and demand change through social action. In the past this has included supporting social action projects led by resident groups and the Lambeth Peer Action Collective.

Peer research

At High Trees we facilitate peer research that takes place in the local community. The Community Action team is currently supporting the Lambeth Peer Action Collective, providing training for young people to lead on peer research in their community and on issues that matter to them.

Current projects

The Tulse Hill Estate

We’ve been listening to the residents of Tulse Hill Estate about what life is like on the estate, what they love about it and what they want to see improved. Check out the summary of our first 200 conversations from the estate.

The Fields Estate

Residents have been coming together on the Fields Estate on Upper Tulse Hill. They have recently revamped their Tenants and Residents Association (TRA) with new members, better engagement from all stakeholders and greater potential for positive change.

Lambeth Peer Action Collective

The Lambeth Peer Action Collective (LPAC) is a collective of young people and youth organisations working together to create better futures for young people in Lambeth, through youth-led research and social action.

Past Projects

Find out about previous projects the High Trees Community Action team has been involved in.

To get in touch with the Community Action team:

0208 671 3132