Launch of the Lambeth Community Research Network website!

May 20, 2024 | News, Partnerships, Research & Development

We’re pleased to announce that the Lambeth Community Research Network website is now live! This is an exciting next step for the network, making it easier to share our vision for research in Lambeth, research projects and opportunities to get involved. 

Lambeth Community Research Network is a new collaboration striving to ensure that the research taking place in Lambeth is ethical, high-quality and action focused, directly leading to positive change for local communities. The work of the network of overseen by steering group made up of five Lambeth based organisations: High Trees, Black Thrive, Juvenis, Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organisation (IRMO) and Stockwell Partnership. 

In 2024/2025, the network will prioritise conducting research with young people and migrant and refugee communities in Lambeth. In line with these priorities, network members have already started engaging in several exciting new community-based research projects:  

  • High Trees – a new research project looking at how ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) courses can be made more accessible for people in work. Following a research phase, community members will have the opportunity to co-design new models for delivering ESOL. 
  • Juvenis – a research project to build on the findings of the Life of a Top Boy report to focus on experiences of trauma and violence in custody and prison and how these impact on Black boys/men. 
  • Milk Honey Bees – Building on the initial findings of the See Us Hear Us study, research will now expend to explore the experiences of Black Girlhood across London. 

If you are interested in joining the network, or want to find out more, please visit