Rebuilding Adventure

Apr 13, 2023 | Children, Young People and Families, News

It has been four years since the adventure playground structures at Tulse Hill Adventure Playground were decommissioned and pulled down for safety reasons. In that time, High Trees has worked hard but unsuccessfully to find a way to get these structures rebuilt.

Last Summer, the children and young people at Tulse Hill Adventure Playground started to do their own work to improve their playground. In this time, they have worked with a playground building specialist to repurpose our old slide, build two climbing walls, upgrade our tree house and make a ramp for our skateboards and bikes.

“It was very fun and adventurous”

“We drilled, we built, we painted, we found stuff from around the playground to reuse and recycle – it was so creative!”

Their work is not finished, over the next few weeks they will be working on building an archway into the playground, this tunnel will provide creative and symbolic play opportunities as well as being an example of their newly developed creative construction skills.